`For 25 years, John was involved with hundreds of projects in Utah, delivering billions of dollars worth of improvements in every part of the state.  He traveled every state road, and nearly every major local road in Utah during his career, forming a true appreciation for the people and parts of his home state.  He was known to say that the roads and bridges in Utah were like his children, he knows and loves them all. 

Since his retirement from UDOT in 2013, he has worked on some of the most complex and difficult infrastructure projects in every region of the US. including projects in Canada and in the Middle East. When not working, he enjoys family time, the outdoors, water and snow sports, and motorcycles. When he can combine them all, he is the most happy. 


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St. Croix Crossing near Stillwater, Minnesota


Sharq Crossing in Doha, Qatar in the Persian Gulf


Permanent Canal Closure and Pumps in New Orleans, LA


Floating Bridge on Lake Washington in Washington State

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Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC)
Bridges all over Utah

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Colorado River Bridge crossinG near MOAB, Utah


I-15 Core Project in
Utah County, Utah

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Southern Parkway St. George, Utah


New NY Bridge replacing the Tappan Zee Bridge over the Hudson River, NY


Captain William Moore Bridge Near Skagway, Alaska

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Hoback Junction Bridge south of Jackson, Wyoming


Legacy Parkway Bike/Ped Path
Davis County, Utah

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Legacy Parkway
Davis County, Utah

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I-80 Reconstruction ABC Bridge Farm in Sugar House Utah

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US 6 Improvements Spanish Fork to Price, Utah

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Reconstruction of i-15 in
Ogden, Utah

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Pioneer crossing in Utah County, Utah